Local elections will be held on May 14 and there are three different parties. Íbúalistinn (The
Inhabitants list), which is a new party, is one of them. Íbúalistinn emphasizes the welfare and
quality of life of the people in the municipality, the development of a diverse economy and
environmental issues. The population wants to greatly improve the services for senior
citizens who are very dissatisfied with the current services. We want to improve the support
network for children with the aim that they will receive the services they need quickly, for
instance from a psychologist or a speech pathologist. We want to make a special effort to
build bridges for people with foreign backgrounds into the community. through multicultural
events and create a platform where people can come together, a community center. The list
want a transparent administration with clear information. Íbúalistinn stands for improved
living conditions, better quality of life and a more diverse economy.